Portland Art Museum Visit

One of the many amazing things we get to experience at Gather:Make:Shelter are fields trips to cultural events!


Early February, GMS founder Dana Lynn Louis got the chance to take the Queer Affinity Villagers on a field trip to Portland Art Museum.


We are so thankful to PAM curator Sara Krajewski for the partnership and these precious and meaningful moments of experiencing art with the villagers!

In April, we took another trip to the museum with other villagers, including ones who reside in the BIPOC village founded by C(3)PO.

During the tour, Cruz, one of the villagers, told us that the Frida Kahlo exhibition made him remember moments of his childhood and his life in Mexico before migrating to the United States. He recognized part of his identity and pride as a Mexican through the art that was in front of him. His stories warmed our hearts. Moments like this is why Gather:Make:Shelter exists. Art is so powerful, that despite a difficult life situation such as living in a shelter, it unites us and makes us show our human beauty.


Weaving the Web


GMS Birthday Celebration