Gather:Make:Shelter’s Sketchbook Project travels around Portland!

The Sketchbook Project is an exciting component of our programming here at Gather:Make:Shelter.

In our years working with unhoused members of our community, we’ve seen how cherished people's sketchbooks are! These workshops harness the therapeutic power of a sketchbook practice to create a safe place to play and experiment, reduce stress, record aspirations, and inspire artistic and personal projects.

This program is made possible with the support of Blick Art Materials, Oregon Arts Commission Arts Build Community grant and Artist & Craftsman Supply.

At the WeShine Parkrose location, the prompt was to think of our favorite animals and what qualities draw us to them. The participants also invented their own creatures!

At the WeShine Parkrose location, this prompt was looking at the work of Joan Miró and his use of line, form, and negative space.


Oregon Community Foundation Awards GMS an Arts & Culture Rebuilding Program Grant


Gather:Make:Shelter welcomes Elizabeth Malaska as a Guest Workshop Intructor!